LHA Officers & Directors

President – K. Terry Jackson, Jr.
Vice President – Alicia Walker
Treasurer – Kyle Els
Secretary – Jill O’Connor
Past President – Ray Fedele
Executive Staff
Executive Director – currently vacant
Executive Administrator – Jill O’Connor
Directors & Committee Chairs
Volunteer Programs SC – Kira Novack
Volunteer Programs GA – Linda Stumberg
Legislative GA – Rhea Dignam
Legislative SC – Carol Mercer
Publications – currently vacant
Media – Terry Kemmy
Personal Membership & Awareness SC – currently vacant
Personal Membership & Awareness GA – William Fogerty
Business & Community Membership & Awareness – Katie Tillman
Environmental & Technical – Margarit Gray
Social & Member Engagement – Jill Chapman
Roles & Responsibilities
Below is an explanation of the key responsibilities for various Board or Committee Members. This list is not inclusive of all possible activities in which a member might participate, as some roles may overlap, or a single member might be involved in more than one activity based on ability, so this list is provided as a general overview. This list might also include responsibilities not presently being covered by current Board Members or Committee Chairs.
- Overall control over the affairs of the LHA
- Sets association policy
- Provides overall coordination and communications
- Identifies requirements for additional committees or personnel
- Presides over the Board, Executive Committee and annual meetings
- Coordinates LHA activities with Board Members and Committee Chairs
- Acts as chief spokesperson for LHA in all matters pertaining to the association
- Appoints all Committee Chairs
Vice President
- Serves as President-elect of the LHA
- Assumes the duties of the President when the President is unavailable
- Performs as the parliamentarian for the LHA Board
- Records minutes at Board meetings and LHA annual meetings
- Manages LHA phone number
- Updates the “Officers & Directors Book” as required
- Acts as custodian of all official records and files of the LHA, including correspondence, meeting minutes and contact information
- Manages the finances of the LHA
- Reimburses members for expenses in accordance with processes developed by the Finance Committee
- Produces an annual budget for Board approval through cooperation with the Finance Committee
- Produces a current Treasurer’s Report for each Board meeting
- Completes annual LHA tax forms for payment of taxes
- Reviews the financial process and recommends any revisions, if needed, such as new reports, software, etc.
- Provides the team to perform or manage the yearly financial review
- Coordinates with the Treasurer and assists with developing the budget
- Assures the LHA insurance needs are current and appropriate
- Assists with financial support for any new or existing LHA programs as needed
Volunteer Programs & Lake Clean-Up
- Coordinates with the USACE to sponsor, manage and support the annual Lake Clean-Up Campaign
- Interacts with the appropriate legislators, government agencies, community organizations and other water associations on legislative matters
- Provides recommendations to the Board on how to respond to legislative, state, federal or community water-related activities
- Develops “LHA Position Papers” defining the LHA’s opinions or recommendations regarding specific legislative actions
- Provides legislative recommendations to other LHA committees when requested
Membership & Awareness
- Issues invoices to members at specified intervals
- Obtains mail from the LHA PO Box and tracks members’ payments of dues
- Maintains the LHA membership list & email address list
- Coordinates with the Publications Committee to provide a current membership list for printer distribution of newsletters and other documents
- Grows and maintains the LHA membership rolls
- Identifies, recommends and supports programs that promote the mission of the LHA, benefit membership and the community and provide positive publicity for the LHA

- Develops and maintains LHA related documents such as the quarterly newsletter, brochures, business cards, etc.
- Announces the due dates of newsletter articles to the Board
- Receives articles and formats the newsletter for printing
- Coordinates with the Membership Committee to schedule and send current membership list to the printer for distribution of newsletters and other documents
- Coordinates printing needs with the printer
Programs & Publicity
- Coordinates LHA speakers to provide subject matter experts to organizations seeking speakers
- Identifies opportunities for LHA speakers to address other organizations wanting LHA, lake or other water-related information
- Promotes LHA activities through newspaper articles and other publications
- Continues to build the positive image of the LHA through:
- Membership stories and pictures in the LHA newsletter
- Development of the tri-fold LHA brochure
- Development and support of the LHA water education program
- Identifies, recommends and supports programs that promote the mission of the LHA, benefit membership and the community and provide positive publicity for the LHA
- Provides logistical and organizational support for the two annual LHA meetings
- Acts as source of safety information for distribution through:
- The quarterly LHA newsletter
- Other organizations, such as:
- Local Sail & Power Squadrons
- The US Army Corps of Engineers
- Other local associations
- Maintains the Life Jacket Program
- Maintains bulletin boards with safety-related and other LHA information
- Posts safety-related information and notices on the LHA website
- Develops and implements the Skipper Saver Program
Environmental & Technical
- Develops and manages activities and programs to clearly understand, make recommendations and communicate the status of activities, such as:
- Water quality
- Water quantity
- Wastewater discharge permits
- Construction impacts
- Sedimentation impacts
- Provides other LHA committees with current information on the scientific aspects of lake and watershed management
- Acts as the liaison to other LHA committees
- Develops “LHA Position Papers” defining association opinions or recommendations regarding specific technically-related activities
IT / Web Master
- Develops and maintains an internet website for the dissemination of information to members and the public regarding LHA activities, positions on issues, upcoming meetings and other items
- Develops and maintains a section on the LHA website specifically for the private use of LHA Officers and Board Members to share information, download expense reimbursement forms, templates for LHA letterhead, personal memo forms, etc.